Clarence Thomas has been busy.
He’s writing opinions attacking your privacy, healthcare rights, and even who you can marry. But Clarence Thomas and his wife have also been busy taking secret cash. Letting major political donors who want to influence the court pay his family’s tuition bills. Accepting luxury gifts for decades without disclosing them Even paying for his mother’s house. As Clarence Thomas’ scandals intensify It’s clear, something’s rotten on the Supreme Court.
In the news
Axios: Clarence Thomas wants SCOTUS to reconsider decisions on gay marriage, contraceptives
“In a concurring opinion overturning Roe v. Wade, Justice Clarence Thomas said that the Supreme Court should reconsider opinions protecting same-sex relationships, marriage equality and access to contraceptives.”
“Leonard Leo arranged for Virginia ‘Ginni’ Thomas to be paid $25,000 and emphasized ‘no mention of Ginni’ on the payments”
AP News: Justice Clarence Thomas let GOP donor pay child’s tuition
“A Republican megadonor paid two years of private school tuition for a child raised by Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, who did not disclose the payments, a lawyer who has represented Thomas and his wife acknowledged Thursday.”
“Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas has accepted luxury gifts from a prominent Republican donor for more than 20 years without disclosing them, possibly violating a law that requires justices, judges and members of Congress to disclose most gifts, according to a new report.”
WSJ: The Billionaire Who Bought Justice Thomas’s Mother’s House
“The press raises more questions about Justice Clarence Thomas’s relationship with Harlan Crow, who reportedly bought some family properties in Georgia for $133,000.”
MSNBC: New revelations add to Clarence Thomas’ intensifying ethics scandal
“A powerful judicial activist reportedly arranged for a conservative group — with business before the Supreme Court — to secretly pay Justice Clarence Thomas’ wife.”